Two sets of Western Québec students rallied around separate social entrepreneurship ventures, as they test piloted The Learning Partnership’s “Entrepreneurial Adventure” program. By persevering and encouraging each other, the students succeeded in helping other at-risk members of their community—both human and animal.
Tag Archives | WQSB
Care Packages, Dog Treats and a New Self-esteem
Tags: Animals, CD, Diversity, EN, Medicine, Mentors, MST, PD, TOKW, WOTP, WQSB
·“Entrepreneurial Adventure” to be Tested in Québec
The Western Québec and English Montréal School Boards will soon be piloting a program developed by The Learning Partnership to support classes engaged in entrepreneurial projects.
Tags: CD, EMSB, EN Course, Entrepreneurship, IP, MST, PD, WQSB
·Students Who Felt Marginalized Come into Their Own
An in-school silk-screening venture is enabling a group of students to master required competencies— and build on GOAL’s twin pillars: self-knowledge and career awareness. The “T-Shirt Factory” at Philemon Wright High School in Gatineau owes its existence to a chance comment made by a student in the Work-Oriented Training Path’s Prework Training program. She told […]
Tags: Diversity, Life Skills, MST, PD, Work Placements, WOTP, WQSB