It’s never too late to start.” Talk with Our Kids About Money Day is coming up soon – April 18, 2018. Did you register your Secondary Level 1 class?
Tag Archives | MST
TWOKAM: Talk with Our Kids about Money, April 18, 2018.
Tags: Financial Literacy, MST, Transitions
·Increase Student Engagement through Tinkering, Making, Building
LEARN’s hands-on Open Creative Spaces workshops introduce educators to fun resources that bring creativity into the classroom. Makerspaces, ArtHives, Genius Hours, and Passion Projects are some of the current models available that are engaging and fun to introduce in any discipline.
Neurodiversity and Self-knowledge
The forthcoming GOAL “academic and career guidance content” (ACGC) breaks down “Self-knowledge” into three aspects: Personal, Social and Educational. Dr. Thomas Armstrong provided much food for thought for helping students develop their self-knowledge in his presentation during the recent LEECQ conference: “Embracing Diversity, Supporting Equity.” Dr. Armstrong’s defines neurodiversity as: “An idea which asserts that […]
Tags: Arts Ed, Diversity, Life Skills, MST, PD
·Literacy Week Archeology Dig – Read, Do, Analyse, Write
Riverside Regional Elementary School within the Central Québec School Board (CQSB) celebrates Literacy Week annually in March with innovative activities and contests that promote reading and writing. Here’s how a 2015 archeology-based project, funded by ALDI, engaged students, staff, and the community in a hands-on learning experience sandwiched between reading and writing activities.
Tags: Archeology, Community Engagement, CQSB, Literacy, MST
·Financial Literacy Month Tools For “Talk With Our Kids About Money”
Did you know that since 2011 Canada has had a Financial Literacy Month and that it is November? In the mid-1990s, the government set in motion an extensive review and public consultations that resulted in a series of reforms to the financial sector and the creation of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC).
Tags: Financial Literacy, Life Skills, MST, Social Sciences, Transitions