Yves Sylvain, the Assistant Deputy Minister for the Youth Sector, announced in May 2016 that the “piloting” of the Academic and Career Guidance Content (ACGC) will be upgraded in 2016-2017 to “gradual implementation.” At least one school per school board (and some private schools) will be participating, which will allow for gradual implementation of the […]
Archive | May, 2016
“Gradual Implementation” of Compulsory Academic and Career Guidance Content to commence in September 2016
May 12, 2016
Increase Student Engagement through Tinkering, Making, Building
May 11, 2016
LEARN’s hands-on Open Creative Spaces workshops introduce educators to fun resources that bring creativity into the classroom. Makerspaces, ArtHives, Genius Hours, and Passion Projects are some of the current models available that are engaging and fun to introduce in any discipline.
Multiculturalism, a Mural, Self-knowledge, and Teamwork
May 11, 2016
With an environment steeped in 32 different cultures, L.I.N.K.S. High School in the English Montreal School Board stands out. Multiculturalism now shouts out from a floor-to-ceiling mural depicting the island of Montreal bordered by 32 flags representing the cultures of the school’s students and staff. Working on the mural was a self-learning and teamwork experience.
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Tags: Arts Ed, Diversity, EMSB, Life Skills, WOTP