LEARN’s hands-on Open Creative Spaces workshops introduce educators to fun resources that bring creativity into the classroom. Makerspaces, ArtHives, Genius Hours, and Passion Projects are some of the current models available that are engaging and fun to introduce in any discipline.
Tag Archives | Arts Ed

Increase Student Engagement through Tinkering, Making, Building

Multiculturalism, a Mural, Self-knowledge, and Teamwork
With an environment steeped in 32 different cultures, L.I.N.K.S. High School in the English Montreal School Board stands out. Multiculturalism now shouts out from a floor-to-ceiling mural depicting the island of Montreal bordered by 32 flags representing the cultures of the school’s students and staff. Working on the mural was a self-learning and teamwork experience.
Tags: Arts Ed, Diversity, EMSB, Life Skills, WOTP
Neurodiversity and Self-knowledge
The forthcoming GOAL “academic and career guidance content” (ACGC) breaks down “Self-knowledge” into three aspects: Personal, Social and Educational. Dr. Thomas Armstrong provided much food for thought for helping students develop their self-knowledge in his presentation during the recent LEECQ conference: “Embracing Diversity, Supporting Equity.” Dr. Armstrong’s defines neurodiversity as: “An idea which asserts that […]
Tags: Arts Ed, Diversity, Life Skills, MST, PD
Golden Voices, Golden Opportunity
The close-to-200 students from the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board participating in the international production of “The Golden Touch” children’s book and CD have songs in their hearts, stars in their eyes and then some. Their commitment has immersed them in the world of professional music and earned them the experience of a lifetime.
Tags: Arts Ed, Community Engagement, PD, SWLSB
Sometimes a Chair Isn’t Just a Chair
Everyone has seen them. Those grey metal stacking chairs that fill countless school gyms and auditoriums during assemblies, concerts and parent meetings. But what if they weren’t a dull grey? What if some enterprising young students transformed them into an opportunity to grow and learn more about the possibilities around them?
Tags: Arts Ed, EMSB, Entrepreneurship, Life Skills, MST, PD