With an environment steeped in 32 different cultures, L.I.N.K.S. High School in the English Montreal School Board stands out. Multiculturalism now shouts out from a floor-to-ceiling mural depicting the island of Montréal bordered by 32 flags representing the cultures of the school’s students and staff. Working together on the multicultural mural was a real self-learning and teamwork experience.
L.I.N.K.S. High School has embarked on a year-long celebration of the multicultural fabric of its student population. Gail Bernstein and Claudia Starnino, teachers at L.I.N.K.S., chose to reflect this diversity by creating a mural, a lasting tribute for everyone to enjoy. They applied for the Multicultural Project Funding through the EMSB, and based the theme of the mural on the multi-ethnic flavour of Montréal.
Imagine, 32 different cultures among
our students and staff.
About L.I.N.K.S.
L.I.N.K.S. is a high school that offers a variety of programs, including the Work-Oriented Training Path (WOTP), Challenges, a modified Cycle One program, as well as a new pilot program, Competency-Based Approach to Social Participation (CASP). These programs cater to students with diverse learning styles.
Every L.I.N.K.S. student had a hand
in the process.
The new mural bears the inscription: “Multicultural Project 2015-2016.” Every L.I.N.K.S. student had a hand in the process from designing and measuring to painting and gluing. It was a great team effort!
Learning about multiculturalism while working with people from different backgrounds helps students learn more about themselves, their personal work styles and preferences, and the realities of being part of a successful, diverse team.
The 2015-2016 multicultural project has a strong cross-curricular component spanning math, geography, history, ERC, citizenship, French, ELA, and visual arts. An environmental element is evident with the incorporation of recycled plastic container covers.
This sharing of our cultures
bodes well.
Ultimately, this sharing of cultures bodes well for the students’ future success, since they immerse themselves into the community, both socially and vocationally.
by Gail Bernstein, Head Teacher, L.I.N.K.S. High School
More about L.I.N.K.S. High School
The L.I.N.K.S. acronym stands for Literacy, Interdependence, Networking, Knowledge, and Success. The mission . . .
“L.I.N.K.S is a semi-closed high school for intellectually-challenged students. Our mission is to serve our special clientele by ensuring the maximum growth and development of each student academically, morally, socially, and culturally in order to achieve personal independence in society.”
Visit the L.I.N.K.S. home page to view an inspiring video of the school’s launch and a photo gallery that includes images of another student mural project (click here).
More about Multiculturalism at the English Montreal School Board
Over 50 different cultural groups are served by the EMSB. The goal of the EMSB’s Multicultural Resource Centre (MRC) is to “foster the successful integration of ethnocultural groups into social life through various means, including the provision of in-service training for staff, and the development of methods for creating learning environments free of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination.” Click here to visit the MRC web page.
More about the Multicultural Project Funding
According to Anne-Marie De Silva, Educational Consultant at the EMSB, the Multicultural Project Funding is partly made up of funds provided by the Entente Canada-Québec to support minority language instruction in Québec, and partly from Measure 15053, Ministry funding to support intercultural education. (See http://www.ecoleplurielle.ca/soutien-a-leducation-interculturelle/.)
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