“Pay it forward” initiatives at Howard S. Billings High School gave two Secondary V classes a volunteer experience they won’t soon forget. One class used an Entrepreneurship Day theme to mentor grade 6 students and introduce them to their future high school. The other class donated a day of their time to an elementary school.
Tag Archives | Entrepreneurship

Student Volunteers Pay it Forward
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Mentors, NFSB, PD, Volunteerism
Sometimes a Chair Isn’t Just a Chair
Everyone has seen them. Those grey metal stacking chairs that fill countless school gyms and auditoriums during assemblies, concerts and parent meetings. But what if they weren’t a dull grey? What if some enterprising young students transformed them into an opportunity to grow and learn more about the possibilities around them?
Tags: Arts Ed, EMSB, Entrepreneurship, Life Skills, MST, PD
A Little Tweak Here, a Little Tweak There
Beaconsfield High School teachers Rosemary Hill and Louise Adam are taking part in the pilot project of 27 schools that are sharing strategies for introducing compulsory GOAL content into the curriculum. Their enthusiasm is all the more appealing because their feet are planted firmly on the classroom floor.

GOAL is This Teacher’s Reality Check
Had he never heard of the Guidance-Oriented Approach to Learning, Tim Romanow would still be using it with his class. “Eventually students go out into the world and have to get a job. As teachers, we need to let them know there is a purpose behind everything we do. We need to make learning real for them.”
Tags: Arts Ed, CD, CQSB, Entrepreneurship, Languages, MST, PD, Politics
No Shortcuts in Bagel-making. . . or Life
Students at Perspectives 1, an EMSB outreach school, had an inspiring lesson on entrepreneurship and hard work from Vince Morena, a co-owner of Montréal’s famed St-Viateur Bagel. Exposing students to a local success story is one way GOAL contributes to their self-discovery and career exploration.
Tags: CD, Community Engagement, Diversity, EMSB, Entrepreneurship, Languages, PD