Watch as these Secondary I students at Beaconsfield High School explain how entrepreneurship goes hand-in-hand with 21st –century learning.
According to the latest predictions, some 50 to 70 per cent of today’s young people will become entrepreneurs. To start preparing for that future, Beaconsfield High School Secondary I teachers Rosemary Hill, Louise Adam and Sylvie Charlebois make a point of involving every student in their classes in an entrepreneurial project. These projects require students to identify a need that is meaningful to them and come up with a workable solution with clear benefits. As the students themselves tell us, that calls for a lot of creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration. “Entrepreneurship is a perfect example of how we can incorporate GOAL into the classroom. It supports GOAL 100 per cent,” says the LBPSB’s Nancy Battet, who together with Marsha Gouett from MELS, led a recent workshop for English-language educators on “Integrating Entrepreneurship into the Guidance-Oriented Approach to Learning.”
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