Free webinar, March 22: Career-Related Learning in Elementary

Take advantage of this upcoming free webinar offered by CERIC:

Exploring Possibilities! Journeying through Career-Related Learning in Grades 4-6: A Teaching Toolkit.

“Lorraine Godden has taught and researched adult learning, career development, mentoring, and leadership for over 25 years, and was responsible for quality assurance of work-based learning in the adult education sector in a region of the UK.

Lorraine is senior partner of Ironwood Consulting, a national research consultancy, an Instructor in Career Development and Employability at Carleton University, and a Faculty Associate at Yorkville University.

Advocate for and implement career development for the public good

Lorraine serves on the Experiential Learning Steering Committee at Carleton University, the National Stakeholder Committee for Supporting Canadians to Navigate Learning and Work, and the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education.

Lorraine also holds Board positions at CERIC, and the Asia Pacific Career Development Association. Through collaborative and participatory practices, Lorraine works with many stakeholders to advocate for and implement career development for the public good” (excerpted from Amazon).

The webinar runs from 12:00 to 1:00. Click here to register.

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