Every year, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) hosts Financial Literacy Month throughout November. Resources for teachers and students are available on the FCAC website, as well as through the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE) which organizes “Talk With Our Kids About Money” and the “Money Fair.”
The FCAC helps coordinate the efforts of, and increase collaboration between, organizations from the private, public, and non-profit sectors to strengthen the financial literacy of Canadians.
The FCAC maintains the Canadian Financial Literacy Database, where you can find “resources, events, tools and information on budgeting, money management, insurance, saving, investing, and taxes from various Canadian organizations.” Their site includes promotional materials, videos, and FAQs. Once you are on the database page, a search for information for “Educators” brings up 151 resources, the search for “Students” brings up 158, and the search for the Youth/youth at risk section brings up 119 entries..
“Talk With Our Kids About Money” and “Money Fair”
The next “Talk With Our Kids About Money” day is on April 17, 2019. The CFEE also helps schools organize their annual Money Fair, where students who have worked in pairs on a financial topic can present their project.
November is a great time to introduce financial literacy in the classroom, and to have students start asking questions and thinking about possible topics to explore.
Links to websites
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) click here.
Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE) click here.
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