ACGC 44 Personal perceptions reality

ACGC and The GOAL Post

Secondary Cycle Two – End (IV, V)

ACGC 44Personal perceptions and the reality of the world of work (*priority)

Expected Student Learning Outcome:Establish means for verifying his/her perceptions of the world of work (e.g. practicums, visits to companies, meetings with employees, ways to balance work and study).

Published Articles

Economics and Media Literacy meet at La Presse (SWLSB)

Tourists delighted by student ambassadors (ESSB)

Launch student projects with The Incubator (EMSB)

Tapping into community resources (SWLSB)

Going once, going twice . . . gone (RSB)

Economics and Media Literacy meet at La Presse (SWLSB)