In 2016-2017 ACGC piloting took place in at least one elementary school and one high school in every school board.
The short videos in this section feature Elementary Cycle Three teachers casually talking about their experiences piloting the ACGCs.
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(Left to right) Anna Maria Parente, Emilia Martinez, Chantal Baril, and Lynn Lacourse, Elementary Cycle 3 teachers, Leonardo da Vinci Academy, English Montreal School Board. Click here or click the image above. (Please allow a few moments for the video to load.)
Lester B. Pearson School Board’s Community and Spiritual Care Animator Mary Rutherford (left), and Maplegrove Elementary School teachers Roberto Espérance and Vicky Lazari talk about their experiences implementing the ACGCs during the 2016-2017 academic year. Click here or click the image below. (Please allow a few moments for the video to load.)